I like to write. I like to share my opinions. And I know full well that not everyone agrees with me all the time. If they did, it wouldn’t really be an opinion would it?
Anyway, I do enjoy reading responses from my opinions. I have several outlets for my opinions. These include newspapers and several Internet Web sites.
I’ve noticed that most of the time when I get feedback it is from someone who disagrees with me. That’s not too surprising, since those who agree do not feel compelled to take up their pens and respond.
I was reading one letter recently from a person who, probably in response to one of my previous columns, was promoting the equal treatment of creationism in science classes along with evolution.
He mentioned me by name when he said that evolutionists consider creationists “ignorant folk who just have not seen the light as he has.” Well, it’s true. I do consider that creationists just have not seen the light. And most of them are fairly ignorant on the subject of science – some almost comically so.
I mean, how ignorant of the law does one have to be to call for parents to lobby their school boards to incorporate creationism in the science classroom. The gentleman pointed out that a recent student survey showed that more than 60 percent of high school students believe that creation should be taught alongside evolution in the science class.
Fortunately, science students and their parents do not get to decide what constitutes science and what doesn’t. Scientists get to do that. And evolution is science; creationism is not.
Now, if these students and parents want to see the Christian version of creation taught in school, maybe they should lobby for a comparative religion course. I wouldn’t object to that, as long as all major religions are compared and contrasted fairly. It might even pass legal muster.
But to actually lobby for the inclusion of a Christian fable into science classes is ludicrous. Why don’t we also include the views of the California-based Flat Earth Society in earth science classes, too? Their belief that the earth is flat is based on their interpretation of the bible.
The bible, although much of it is considered great literature and it can be spiritually soothing, was put together in a hurry during the fourth century by a group of Catholic bishop lawyers under pressure from Emperor Constantine, who had his own personal agenda. It’s about as close to being the unerring word of God as my collective works of Over Coffee.
So if my columns are not considered required reading in schools across the state, then the bible’s fairy tale about creation shouldn’t be either. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.
Sadly, you're wrong about one thing. Students and their parent often DO get to decide what's taught. Creationists have hijacked entire school boards.
Otherwise, here and in your Feb 7th column, you're right on.
"Scientists decide." Hmm... I used to think that the scientific mind should be an open one, auspicious of scepticism and critique.
Does creation belong in a science class? Probably not. But are we forming open minded and critical youth by teaching (macro)evolution as a scientific fact? I for one don't think so. Check this out: www.trueorigin.org/ng_ap01.asp
I don't agree with every single statement in it, but it is interesting material.
Well, the godbotherers are certainly in the ascendancy!
Barney F. McClelland
at "As I Please"
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